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Group Resources

Here you’ll find resources for our most recent preaching series.  Our Group Guide gives an opportunity to further study and discuss the materials on your own or in a Discipleship Group.  The extra resources provides links to some of our favorite websites and tools to supplement this series.

Group Guide

Four thousand years ago, worship of YHWH (God) took place in the Tabernacle – a portable tent that the Israelites carried with them in the wilderness. In the Tabernacle, priests would offer sacrifices on behalf of the people – offering bulls, sheep, goats, doves, and grain on the altar of burnt offerings. A right relationship with God only came through the fire. 

As Christ-followers, we still are called to sacrifice; but our offerings don’t ‘moo’ or ‘bleet’. Instead, we are called to offer our time, treasures, and talents. In this series, we’ll be looking at the sacrifices the Israelites were commanded to offer in the Law and discover their counterpart for those who choose to follow Jesus.


Additional Resources

RightNow Media

Get a free RightNow Media account to get access to thousands of study resources. 

If you’re not yet connected to RightNow Media, find out about it HERE.

Bible Project

The Bible Project offers a variety of amazing resources.  These videos expand on many of the ideas that we have touched on in this series.